Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Arches National Park

Oink Oink,

here we are with some new, fascinating pictures of the beautiful artworks of mother nature.

Like I said we continue with the Arches National Park and how the name says, there are a lot of Arches, the most Arches in the world on one place.

Like in almost every national parc the stone formations are a result of the forces of mother nature as well, which there are, wind, water, ice and the world known G-force.

Arches Nationalpark is located in Utah and as mentioned there are the most arches in the world but its just a matter of time till some of them collapse or newones are created.

Here are the pictures be prepared.
 To be honest I forgott about the name of this arch but it is a nice arch.
 This is the Balanced Rock, as you can see the weather wasnt the best but even with this cloudy sky the park is amazing.
 some more balanced rocks but not as popular like the one above.
 There were a lot of cactuses on the way so watch your steps.
 Also some rock climbers used the handy walls for climbing.
 This are the rocks if you take a closup from them.
 And this machine here is the most popular arch in the park the Dedicated Arch, I bet u have seen him before.
 This is my favourite the Double Arch, he looks amazing doesnt he?
 This is the Double O Arch but the Double is way cooler.
 This is the Double from inside.
 This was a Sand Dune in between of 2 high walls.
 Some of the domestic flora, chanhing their colours.
 Me like always in an unbeatable appearance.
 I really dont know, why I am always sourounded by Corax and Azeal but please focus on the green gravel, that is impressing.
 This is an hidden arch on the entrance of the park.
 And this is the famous Landscape Arch,which has a span of a football field and in 1991 a huge piece broke out of the arch,which you can see on the upper left side of the arch and I bet this arch will collapse soon or as first.
 Laura again in proessional hikers gear.
 This was the Pine Tree Arch, not hard to remember, cause of the sign, this is a massiv arch.
 Here you can see the Turret Arch, not much to say about it.
 And this one is the Tunnel Arch, looks like a tunnel. Before I forgott we made a terrible mistake , we aproached an animal I mean it wanst that terrible, we survived but we were glad and  I even captured this monster on camera here have alook.
 Ok just an ordanary bug thats all we saw. And now we come to the Eyes of the Archespark, the big Windows
 I start up with the Northwindow.
And here are both North and South.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and if not just enjoy the scenery.

Thanks your Hol(e)ycouple.

Next stop is tante Anni in Rexburg, a relative of Laura.

1 Kommentar:

  1. zeimlichn ziemlich ziemlich cool, macht mich ziemlich ziemlich ziemlich neidisch, im anbetracht dass es halb 8 in der früh is und ich etz ind uni muss -.-
    genießt eure zeit

    mr.b big ... ;)
