Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011

Capitol Reef

Hello back,

we reached Capitol Reef National Recreation Area, but we just drove through it and stoped sometimes if we saw some interessting things and of course we want to share our impressions with you guys.

There is not much to say about Capitol Reef , because as I said we just drove throught.
First we saw a little sign at the street which said Natural Bridge 1.5 miles, alright left turn and ready to hike and here you can see the natural bridge:

 Pretty much at the same spot there were mural paintings from long ago.

 HAHA this is the mens playground here you can have some fun with OHV's (Off-highway-vehicles.)
 We saw a rainbow as well.
And some high walls.

Bt thats pretty much all what we can present to you from Capitol Reef.

Next stop Arches National Park , Yippee.

Byebye your cruisingcouple.

1 Kommentar:

  1. immer wunderbar neuigkeiten zu sehen. freut mich jedesmal :)
    bin evht neidisch....NICHT!!! studieren ist der hit :D ;)

    hab euch lieb :)
